Tag: Communication | Use in: |
 | Less-favoured youth are trained by Oslo University students in informatics and web design. Nairobi, Kenya. | M12 M14 M15 |
Credit: George Onyango Tags: youth, training, communication, internet, documentation, urban, |
 | Youth trained by Oslo University students in designing websites and uploading local content to be accessed by the local communities. Nairobi, Kenya. | M12 M14 M15 |
Credit: George Onyango Tags: youth, training, communication, internet, documentation, urban, |
 | Visualisation of trends during a village meeting in Africa. Kabyolwe, Zambia. | M04 M07 M15 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: rural, visioning, awareness, communication, |
 | Screenshot of an interactive Google Map showing locations of participatory mapping exercises and offering additional information by means of multimedia. | M06 M12 M14 |
Credit: Giacomo Rambaldi Tags: satellite imagery, internet, multimedia, communication, participatory, mapping, advocacy |
 | Listen to your headman! Buludava, Papua New Guinea. | M04 M07 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: urban, rural, awareness, communication |
 | Angry response. Buludava, Papua New Guinea. | M02 M04 M05 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: urban, rural, ethics, communication |
 | Young guru. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M02 M04 M15 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, youth, communication |
 | Peer to peer communication. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M02 M04 M14 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, youth, communication |
 | Democracy Wall in three languages used at the Web2forDev Conference held at FAO in Rome in September 2007. | M03 M07 M10 |
Credit: Anja Barth Tags: communication |
 | Participants point on their 3D model. Bale, Ethiopia. | M06 M10 M15 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA Mahiber Tags: rural, P3DM, finger pointing, communication |
 | Local participants discuss data entry on a 3D model. Bale, Ethiopia. | M06 M10 M15 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA Mahiber Tags: rural, P3DM, finger pointing, communication, gender |
 | Elderly person explains issues related to the territory and points to a specific location on a 3D model. Bale, Ethiopia. | M06 M10 M15 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA Mahiber Tags: rural, P3DM, communication, |
 | Debriefing session after a participatory rural appraisal session. Chagcharan, Ghor Province, Afghanistan. | M02 M08 M15 |
Credit: David Gandhi Tags: rural, gender, sketch mapping, communication, ethics, |
 | As part of a marine planning process, members of an aboriginal working group share their traditional stories and songlines. Eighty Mile Beach, Australia. | M04 M14 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: rural, documentation, communication, indigenous, knowledge |
 | Teaching best practices to rice farmers. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M03 M07 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: rural, education, communication |
 | Our land; our dignity. San people show a map they produced featuring information about their environment in the Kalahari Desert. Windhoek, Namibia. 2008. | M01 M04 M15 |
Credit: Giacomo Rambaldi Tags: knowledge, maps, communication, advocacy |
 | Facilitators train others to use participatory mapping to discuss the desired landscape. Ohiamatu Simpa village, Ghana. | M07 M08 M15 |
Credit: Agni Klintuni Boedhihartono Tags: rural, sketch mapping, communication, awareness, |
 | Senator Loren Legarda, a presidential contender, participates in map making. Negros, Philippines. | M05 M10 M15 |
Credit: Fernando Ramirez Tags: urban, rural, P3DM, communication, advocacy |
 | Kid's map. Ucayali Region, Amazon Basin, Peru. | M08 M15 |
Credit: Kristina Pearson Tags: sketch mapping, children, communication |
 | Sketch map of the Amacayacu River drawn by the San Martin de Amacayacu indigenous community. Colombian Amazon, Colombia. | M08 |
Credit: Javier Diaz Tags: rural, sketch mapping, communication, awareness, |
 | The output of a sketch mapping exercise is presented to the wider public in a village. Dhaka, Bangladesh. | M08 M15 |
Credit: Marc Adam Tags: sketch mapping, presentation, communication |
 | Members of an aboriginal working group network and provide input to government staff as part of a marine planning process. Eighty Mile Beach, Australia. | M15 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: coastal, planning, communication |
 | Community forestry lands demarcated by local communities using GPS and displayed on a GIS. Albania. 2007. | M12 M14 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: map, communication, GIS |
 | Interaction between people with disabilities and helpers while exchanging views about a shared territory. Bogotá, Colombia. 2009. | M11 M06 M09 |
Credit: Viviana Díaz Tags: urban, Google Earth, communication, visioning |
 | People with disabilities map perceived constraints and opportunities. Bogotá, Colombia. 2009. | M11 M06 M09 |
Credit: Viviana Díaz Tags: urban, Google Earth, communication, visioning |
 | Using sketch maps to determine community water resources in Sudan. Kordofan, Sudan. 2007. | M08 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: rural, communication |
 | Using sketch maps to determine community boundaries during a multi-community regional participatory mapping workshop. Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. 1998. | M07 M08 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: rural, sketch mapping, youth, intergenerational, communication |
 | Using sketch maps to determine community boundaries during a multi-community regional participatory mapping workshop. Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. 1998. | M07 M08 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: rural, sketch mapping, intergenerational, communication |
 | Using sketch maps to determine community boundaries during a multi-community regional participatory mapping workshop. Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. 1998. | M07 M08 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: rural, sketch mapping, intergenerational, communication |
 | Using sketch maps to determine community boundaries during a multi-community regional participatory mapping workshop. Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. 1998. | M07 M08 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: rural, sketch mapping, intergenerational, communication |
 | Villagers discuss their participatory 3D model. Bale, Ethiopia. | M10 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA (Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action) Tags: rural, P3DM, communication, gender |
 | Facilitators and participants discuss their recently completed participatory 3D model. Bale, Ethiopia. | M06 M10 M15 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA (Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action) Tags: rural, P3DM, communication |