Tag: Details | Use in: |
 | Women enter data on a 3D model of the North Negros National Park. Negros, Philippines. | M06 M10 |
Credit: Fernando Ramirez Tags: P3DM, youth, details, participation |
 | Sketch mapping, detail of hands. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M06 M08 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: sketch mapping, details |
 | Sketch mapping, detail of hands. Shimla, India. | M14 |
Credit: Aayush Goel Tags: sketch mapping, details |
 | Map detail. Canadian First Nation chiefs have outlined areas of rich marine resources for land claims. British Columbia, Canada. 2007. | M01 M09 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: map, details, coastal |
 | Map and pens, close up. Canadian First Nation chiefs map areas of rich marine resources for land claims. British Columbia, Canada. 2007. | M01 M09 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: map, details, coastal |
 | Construction of a 3D model. Bale, Ethiopia | M10 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA (Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action) Tags: P3DM, details |