Tag: Gender | Use in: |
 | Presentation on community-oriented disaster management planning in a village. Attendees include representatives from the community and from government agencies. Shimla, India. | M04 M07 M15 |
Credit: Aayush Goel Tags: urban, rural, presentation, awareness, gender, |
 | Community members teach each other how to use GPS. Guarayos, Bolivia. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Kristen Evans Tags: rural, GPS, training, Amazon, gender, children |
 | Men and women involved in sketch mapping. Dhaka, Bangladesh. | M02 M06 M08 |
Credit: Marc Adam Tags: urban, rural, sketch mapping, gender |
 | Men and women of different age groups participate in drawing a sketch map. Dhaka, Bangladesh. | M02 M06 M08 |
Credit: Marc Adam Tags: urban, rural, sketch mapping, gender |
 | Local participants discuss data entry on a 3D model. Bale, Ethiopia. | M06 M10 M15 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA Mahiber Tags: rural, P3DM, finger pointing, communication, gender |
 | Debriefing session after a participatory rural appraisal session. Chagcharan, Ghor Province, Afghanistan. | M02 M08 M15 |
Credit: David Gandhi Tags: rural, gender, sketch mapping, communication, ethics, |
 | A couple helps each other repair their house using mud. Instead of seeking outside assistance, the wife helps her husband which, in the local setting, attracts attention. Chilka, Orissa, India. | M02 |
Credit: Majumdar Sandipan Tags: rural, gender |
 | Adult education. India. | M03 |
Credit: Abhijit Dey Tags: urban, rural, education, gender |
 | Women in self-education training camp. India. | M03 |
Credit: Abhijit Dey Tags: urban, training, gender |
 | Indigenous women attend training in silk processing. India. | M03 |
Credit: Abhijit Dey Tags: training, gender |
 | Outdoor awareness raising on watershed issues. SangBar village, Ghor Province, Afghanistan. | M02 M03 M04 |
Credit: David Gandhi Tags: rural, awareness, education, gender |
 | Rural women help each other learn the Bengali alphabet. West Bengal, India. | M03 |
Credit: Majumdar Sandipan Tags: urban, rural, education, gender |
 | Rural women help each other learn the Bengali alphabet. West Bengal, India. | M03 |
Credit: Majumdar Sandipan Tags: urban, rural, education, gender |
 | Women’s group discussion and negotiation on the desired landscape. Aburokham village, Sudan. | M06 M08 |
Credit: Agni Klintuni Boedhihartono Tags: Sketch mapping, gender |
 | Women discuss their landscape scenarios. Hawata, Sudan. | M06 M08 |
Credit: Agni Klintuni Boedhihartono Tags: Sketch mapping, gender |
 | Batwa women and children sketch a "vision" map of the local landscape. Bututu, Burundi. | M08 M14 |
Credit: Agni Klintuni Boedhihartono Tags: rural, gender, children, sketch mapping, visioning, |
 | Women sketch a "vision" map of the local landscape. Mossapoula village, Central African Republic. | M08 M15 |
Credit: Agni Klintuni Boedhihartono Tags: rural, gender, sketch mapping, visioning, |
 | Women sketch a "vision" map of the local landscape and identify important environmental features. Mossapoula village, Central African Republic. | M08 M15 |
Credit: Agni Klintuni Boedhihartono Tags: rural, gender, sketch mapping, visioning, |
 | Resource mapping with Afghan women. SareAhangaran village, Bamyan Province. Afghanistan. | M08 |
Credit: David Gandhi Tags: rural, sketch mapping, gender |
 | Community members develop a sketch map of their village. The elders (men and women) depict their mental maps of the past while the youths assist in drawing and labelling. Kenya. | M08 |
Credit: Julius Muchemi, ERMIS Africa Tags: rural, sketch mapping, gender, |
 | Community members develop a sketch map of their village. The elders (men and women) depict their mental maps of the past while the youths assist in drawing and labelling. Kenya. | M08 |
Credit: Julius Muchemi, ERMIS Africa Tags: rural, sketch mapping, gender, |
 | Women sketch their mental maps. Cuzalapa, Mexico. | M06 M08 |
Credit: Michael McCall, CIGA UNAM Tags: maps, gender, sketch mapping, |
 | Villagers discuss their participatory 3D model. Bale, Ethiopia. | M10 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA (Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action) Tags: rural, P3DM, communication, gender |
 | Participatory 3D modelling exercise. Bale, Ethiopia. | M10 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA (Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action) Tags: P3DM, data, gender |