Tag: GIS | Use in: |
 | Representatives of community-based organisations and local government authorities are trained in using GIS to analyse urban infrastructure and development indicators of their town. Nakuru, Kenya. | M03 M06 M12 |
Credit: Albrecht Ehrensperger Tags: training, GIS, urban |
 | Transfer of knowledge across generations. Nessuit, Kenya. 2006. | M06 M10 M14 |
Credit: Giacomo Rambaldi Tags: rural, P3DM, participatory, mapping, PGIS, children, intergenerational, |
 | Participatory mapping of social landscape values in coastal Zanzibar. Matemwe, Tanzania. | M11 M12 |
Credit: Nora Fagerholm Tags: urban, rural, orthophotograph, mapping, GIS |
 | Participatory mapping of social landscape values in coastal Zanzibar. Matemwe, Tanzania. | M11 M12 |
Credit: Nora Fagerholm Tags: urban, rural, orthophotograph, mapping, GIS |
 | Community forestry lands demarcated by local communities using GPS and displayed on a GIS. Albania. 2007. | M12 M14 M15 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: map, communication, GIS |
 | Villagers train to use mobile GIS in community forestry. Usambaras, Tanzania. 2004. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Jeroen Verplanke Tags: rural, urban, GIS, training, GPS |
 | Villagers train to use mobile GIS in community forestry. Uttaranchal, India. 2003. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Jeroen Verplanke Tags: rural, urban, GIS, training, GPS |
 | Villagers train to use mobile GIS in community forestry. Uttaranchal, India. 2003. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Jeroen Verplanke Tags: rural, urban, GIS, training, GPS |
 | Villagers train to use mobile GIS in community forestry. Morogoro, Kitulangalo, Tanzania. 2008. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Jeroen Verplanke Tags: rural, urban, GIS, training, GPS |