Tag: Planning | Use in: |
 | A community development worker assists a villager in a planning exercise. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M04 M06 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, planning, training, |
 | A trainer shows local villagers how to use the A-frame to plant rubber trees along contour lines. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M03 M09 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, training, planning, slash and burn, |
 | Technology intermediaries discuss matters related to a forthcoming activity with community representatives. Uganda. 2009. | M04 M07 |
Credit: Giacomo Rambaldi Tags: urban, rural, planning |
 | Adult men map their marine resources as part of a planning process. Kilu, Papua New Guinea. | M08 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: coastal, planning, sketch mapping |
 | Village features are mapped, including hazard-prone areas for the development of an evacuation plan. Shimla, India. | M08 |
Credit: Aayush Goel Tags: urban, rural, hazard, planning, sketch mapping, hazard |
 | Villagers trace contour lines for the construction of a 1:20000-scale participatory 3D model of the Sagarmatha National Park. Monzo, Nepal. | M10 |
Credit: Govinda Joshi Tags: rural, P3DM, planning, conservation |
 | Villagers standing behind the 1:20,000 scale participatory 3D model of the Sagarmatha National Park. Monzo, Nepal. | M06 M10 M15 |
Credit: Govinda Joshi Tags: rural, P3DM, planning, conservation |
 | Villagers input data (by painting) on a 1:20,000-scale participatory 3D model of the Sagarmatha National Park. Monzo, Nepal. | M10 |
Credit: Govinda Joshi Tags: rural, P3DM, planning, conservation |
 | Comparing neighbourhood densities with the provision of community services using 0.6 m resolution Quickbird imagery. Obunga informal settlement. Kisumu, Kenya. | M11 |
Credit: Regina Muchai Tags: urban, satellite imagery, planning, evaluation |
 | Eliciting information at a household level using 0.6 m resolution Quickbird imagery. Obunga informal settlement, Kisumu, Kenya. | M11 M15 |
Credit: Regina Muchai Tags: urban, planning |
 | Members of an aboriginal working group network and provide input to government staff as part of a marine planning process. Eighty Mile Beach, Australia. | M15 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: coastal, planning, communication |
 | Participatory planning to identify a safe evacuation route. Shimla, India. | M08 |
Credit: Aayush Goel Tags: urban, sketch mapping, hazard, planning |