Tag: Urban | Use in: |
 | Less-favoured youth are trained by Oslo University students in informatics and web design. Nairobi, Kenya. | M12 M14 M15 |
Credit: George Onyango Tags: youth, training, communication, internet, documentation, urban, |
 | Youth trained by Oslo University students in designing websites and uploading local content to be accessed by the local communities. Nairobi, Kenya. | M12 M14 M15 |
Credit: George Onyango Tags: youth, training, communication, internet, documentation, urban, |
 | Representatives of community-based organisations and local authorities are trained at an Internet café. Nakuru, Kenya. | M03 M12 M15 |
Credit: Albrecht Ehrensperger Tags: training, internet, urban |
 | Representatives of community-based organisations and local government authorities are trained in using GIS to analyse urban infrastructure and development indicators of their town. Nakuru, Kenya. | M03 M06 M12 |
Credit: Albrecht Ehrensperger Tags: training, GIS, urban |
 | Fisherfolk repair fishing nets. People working include an elderly and a middle-aged man, a teenager and a child. Alexandria, Egypt. | M02 M03 M15 |
Credit: Galal Elmissary Tags: urban, rural, coastal, training, Intergenerational, education, |
 | Kids and teenagers learn how to make a carpet. Monofia, Egypt. | M02 M03 M10 |
Credit: Galal Elmissary Tags: urban, training, intergenerational, education, |
 | A community development worker assists a villager in a planning exercise. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M04 M06 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, planning, training, |
 | A trainer shows local villagers how to use the A-frame to plant rubber trees along contour lines. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M03 M09 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, training, planning, slash and burn, |
 | Knowledge divide. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M03 M04 M06 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, |
 | Presentation on community-oriented disaster management planning in a village. Attendees include representatives from the community and from government agencies. Shimla, India. | M04 M07 M15 |
Credit: Aayush Goel Tags: urban, rural, presentation, awareness, gender, |
 | Map of the future. Santiago, Chile. | M06 M08 M15 |
Credit: Mario Lopez Tags: urban, rural, participatory, mapping, children, |
 | Finger pointing on a sketch map. Santiago, Chile. | M06 M08 |
Credit: Mario Lopez Tags: urban, rural, participatory, mapping, children |
 | Village researchers and cartographers work on 1:50,000-scale satellite images using transparent drawing paper. Jayapura, West Papua. 2003. | M06 M11 |
Credit: Mac Chapin Tags: urban, rural, scale mapping, participatory |
 | Men and women involved in sketch mapping. Dhaka, Bangladesh. | M02 M06 M08 |
Credit: Marc Adam Tags: urban, rural, sketch mapping, gender |
 | Men and women of different age groups participate in drawing a sketch map. Dhaka, Bangladesh. | M02 M06 M08 |
Credit: Marc Adam Tags: urban, rural, sketch mapping, gender |
 | Exploration. Cairo, Egypt. | M02 |
Credit: Galal Elmissary Tags: urban, rural, |
 | Silhouettes. Raselbr, Egypt. | M02 M15 |
Credit: Galal Elmissary Tags: urban, rural |
 | Listen to your headman! Buludava, Papua New Guinea. | M04 M07 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: urban, rural, awareness, communication |
 | Angry response. Buludava, Papua New Guinea. | M02 M04 M05 |
Credit: Matt Fossey Tags: urban, rural, ethics, communication |
 | Matrix exercise used in the process of legend making among Ogiek peoples. Nessuit, Kenya. | M07 M08 M10 |
Credit: Giacomo Rambaldi Tags: urban, rural |
 | Young guru. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M02 M04 M15 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, youth, communication |
 | Peer to peer communication. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M02 M04 M14 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural, youth, communication |
 | Children work together to produce a map of the city where they live. Santiago, Chile. | M08 M09 |
Credit: Mario Lopez Tags: urban, map, children, finger pointing |
 | Hands-on engineer. Sare Ahangaran village, Bamyan Province, Afghanistan. | M02 |
Credit: David Gandhi Tags: urban, rural |
 | Adult education. India. | M03 |
Credit: Abhijit Dey Tags: urban, rural, education, gender |
 | Women in self-education training camp. India. | M03 |
Credit: Abhijit Dey Tags: urban, training, gender |
 | My turn! Imparting earthquake safety measures to school teachers using a card game. Shimla, India. | M03 M04 M15 |
Credit: Aayush Goel Tags: urban, rural, education, awareness, training |
 | Technology intermediaries discuss matters related to a forthcoming activity with community representatives. Uganda. 2009. | M04 M07 |
Credit: Giacomo Rambaldi Tags: urban, rural, planning |
 | Rural women help each other learn the Bengali alphabet. West Bengal, India. | M03 |
Credit: Majumdar Sandipan Tags: urban, rural, education, gender |
 | Rural women help each other learn the Bengali alphabet. West Bengal, India. | M03 |
Credit: Majumdar Sandipan Tags: urban, rural, education, gender |
 | Community members seek assistance from a facilitator on how to organise data on a sketch map. Dhaka, Bangladesh. | M02 M04 M08 |
Credit: Marc Adam Tags: urban, rural |
 | Young community members learn how to use a GPS device from a researcher. Pando, Bolivia. | M03 M09 |
Credit: Kristen Evans Tags: urban, rural, GPS, training |
 | Senator Loren Legarda, a presidential contender, participates in map making. Negros, Philippines. | M05 M10 M15 |
Credit: Fernando Ramirez Tags: urban, rural, P3DM, communication, advocacy |
 | Ground mapping by indigenous people using sticks to map their plots. Kalimantan, Indonesia. | M08 |
Credit: Stewart Brown Tags: urban, rural |
 | Village features are mapped, including hazard-prone areas for the development of an evacuation plan. Shimla, India. | M08 |
Credit: Aayush Goel Tags: urban, rural, hazard, planning, sketch mapping, hazard |
 | Representatives of a community-based organisation participate in mapping urban infrastructure and development indicators. Nakuru, Kenya. | M09 |
Credit: Albrecht Ehrensperger Tags: urban, scale mapping |
 | Participatory mapping of social landscape values in coastal Zanzibar. Matemwe, Tanzania. | M11 M12 |
Credit: Nora Fagerholm Tags: urban, rural, orthophotograph, mapping, GIS |
 | Participatory mapping of social landscape values in coastal Zanzibar. Matemwe, Tanzania. | M11 M12 |
Credit: Nora Fagerholm Tags: urban, rural, orthophotograph, mapping, GIS |
 | Training in informatics and Web 2.0. Amman, Jordan. | M12 M13 |
Credit: Galal Elmissary Tags: urban, training, computer |
 | Comparing neighbourhood densities with the provision of community services using 0.6 m resolution Quickbird imagery. Obunga informal settlement. Kisumu, Kenya. | M11 |
Credit: Regina Muchai Tags: urban, satellite imagery, planning, evaluation |
 | Eliciting information at a household level using 0.6 m resolution Quickbird imagery. Obunga informal settlement, Kisumu, Kenya. | M11 M15 |
Credit: Regina Muchai Tags: urban, planning |
 | Participatory planning to identify a safe evacuation route. Shimla, India. | M08 |
Credit: Aayush Goel Tags: urban, sketch mapping, hazard, planning |
 | Interaction between people with disabilities and helpers while exchanging views about a shared territory. Bogotá, Colombia. 2009. | M11 M06 M09 |
Credit: Viviana Díaz Tags: urban, Google Earth, communication, visioning |
 | Using the mobile GIS with children. Punhuato Michoacán, México. | M06 M09 M11 |
Credit: Michael McCall, CIGA UNAM Tags: rural, urban, GPS, children |
 | School children use a small participatory 3D model plus an aerial image. Querendero, Mexico. | |
Credit: Sonia Juarez Tags: rural, urban, children, P3DM |
 | People with disabilities map perceived constraints and opportunities. Bogotá, Colombia. 2009. | M11 M06 M09 |
Credit: Viviana Díaz Tags: urban, Google Earth, communication, visioning |
 | Using a smartphone for community resource mapping. S. Juan Bautista, Uruapan, Mexico. | M09 M13 |
Credit: Graciela Peters Tags: rural, urban, technology, Smartphone, GPS |
 | Using a smartphone for community resource mapping. S. Juan Bautista, Uruapan, Mexico. | M09 M13 |
Credit: Graciela Peters Tags: rural, urban, technology, Smartphone, GPS |
 | Sketch map depicting how community members visualise their future development. Gao, Mali. 2007. | M08 |
Credit: Jon Corbett Tags: rural, urban, sketch mapping, |
 | Villagers train to use mobile GIS in community forestry. Usambaras, Tanzania. 2004. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Jeroen Verplanke Tags: rural, urban, GIS, training, GPS |
 | Villagers train to use mobile GIS in community forestry. Uttaranchal, India. 2003. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Jeroen Verplanke Tags: rural, urban, GIS, training, GPS |
 | Villagers train to use mobile GIS in community forestry. Uttaranchal, India. 2003. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Jeroen Verplanke Tags: rural, urban, GIS, training, GPS |
 | Villagers train to use mobile GIS in community forestry. Morogoro, Kitulangalo, Tanzania. 2008. | M03 M06 M09 |
Credit: Jeroen Verplanke Tags: rural, urban, GIS, training, GPS |
 | 3D model under construction at different stages of completion. Bale, Ethiopia. | M10 |
Credit: Million Belay, MELCA (Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action) Tags: rural, urban |
 | Construction of a 3D model; preparation of the glue. Bale, Ethiopia. | M10 |
Credit: Million Belay MELCA (Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action) Tags: rural, urban |