Module M14 - Documentation

Unit M14U02 - Interviewing Techniques


This Unit describes techniques to assist the interviewer in developing and delivering interviews with community members. It discusses the preparatory requirements for conducting the interview, the equipment necessary, the choice of places to complete the interview and possibilities for recording the interview. It reviews approaches to conducting interviews (e.g. structured, semi-structured or more open-ended interview styles) and focus group discussions and how the choice of interview style can affect the outcomes. The Unit includes an analysis of biases that interviewers may impose upon subjects if interviewers are unaware of the positions that they occupy and how these biases may be circumvented.

Unit objectives / expected outcomes

After the completion of the Unit the trainee will be able to:

  • discuss the art of interviewing;
  • prepare the interview;
  • ask the right questions and listen actively;
  • use maps during the interview;
  • conclude the interview correctly and courteously.

Content outline, main topics covered and suggested sequencing

This Unit focuses on the topics listed below:

  1. Interviewing techniques (PPT No. 1: Interviewing Techniques: Documentation) (45 min)
  2. Interviewing techniques (Exercises No. 1 to 4) (2 ¾ hrs)

Alternatively conduct each exercise after the corresponding section of the PPT presentation.

Components of the Unit


Handouts for Trainee (to be distributed in printed format):



½ day

Equipment needed

Note pads, pens, pencils, computer and beamer, audio recorder (optional)

Additional downloads