Manufacturing a three-dimensional (3D) model is a demanding task which requires accurate planning and logistical preparation. This Unit summarises the process, from the preparatory work through the phase in which local knowledge holders depict their mental maps on the blank 3D model.
Delivering this Unit requires that the trainer construct a small 3D model (1.2 x 1.2 m at 1:10,000 scale) in advance of the Unit exercises. During the exercises, two or three informants who are knowledgeable about the area covered by the model are invited to bring about a real-world situation from which the trainees can learn. Trainers and trainees assist the informants in visualising their spatial knowledge on the model, making reference to the map legend. The trainees are assigned specific roles, including co-facilitator, observer and documenter. Inputs by informants are based exclusively on their mental recollections.
Unit objectives / expected outcomes
After the completion of the Unit the trainee will be able to:
- facilitate a process in which informants visualise their spatial knowledge on a scaled, physical three-dimensional model;
- organise multidisciplinary facilitation of the process;
- list priority actions and critical steps in the facilitation process.
Content outline, main topics covered and suggested sequencing
This Unit focuses on the topics listed below:
- Preparation for reflection (Exercise No. 1 and Exercise No. 2) (20 min)
- Facilitation and observation of data input by informants (Exercise No. 3) (6 ½ hrs)
- Review of achievements versus expectations and lessons learned (Exercise No. 1 and Exercise No. 2) (40 min)
Components of the Unit
- Exercise No. 1: Democracy Walls; to collect feedback from participants during the session and to use this feedback to brainstorm lessons learned and suggested ways forward. In this Unit, this exercise has to be runs in parallel to Exercise No. 2 To provide a medium for participants to express themselves in a free, focused and concise manner; to generate a written, shared pool of reflections which can be used for further participatory analysis; and to obtain on-the-spot feedback during an event and be in a position to rapidly adjust facilitation to emerging realities and changing circumstances.
- Exercise No. 2: Whose Knowledge Counts?; to stimulate trainees to critically reflect on their likely roles in the process of map making (20 minutes at the start and 40 minutes at the end of the mapping exercise)
- Exercise No. 3: Learning by Doing: Facilitation, Observation and Reflection on the P3DM Process; to expose trainees to a process in which informants visualise their spatial knowledge on a scaled physical three-dimensional model; to allow trainees to play the roles of process facilitator, observer and documenter and to do a self assessment of their performance in the roles; to allow trainees to learn by doing and observing (6 ½ hrs)
This exercise replicates to some extent what happens in the field during a P3DM exercise, but it is confined to a training environment. It has been conceived to allow trainees to learn by doing, observing and reflecting on the P3DM process.
Handouts for Trainee (to be distributed in printed format):
- Hands-on Participatory 3D Modelling (Handout4T)
- Illustrated Supply List for a P3DM Exercise
- Quick reference guide 1:10,000 scale
- Quick reference guide 1:5,000 scale
- A4 sample base map
- List of Additional Resources
- Unit Glossary
Handouts for Trainee (to be distributed in digital format)
7 ½ hrs (one day)
Additional trainer resources
- Rambaldi G. and Callosa-Tarr J. 2002. Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications. ARCBC, Los Baños, Philippines - 2002. "Giving Voice to the Unspoken": a 20-minute video production showing the hands-on aspects of Participatory 3D Modelling (P3DM). - Rambaldi G. 2008. Democracy Walls, Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) 58:134-137; IIED, London, UK
Equipment needed
1.2 x 1.2 m carton board 3D model See handout “Illustrated Supply List for a P3DM Exercise” Video camera, notepads, pens