Title: Localisation, Participation and Communication: an Introduction to Good PGIS Practice
Summary: The practice of participatory geospatial information management and communication is increasing in popularity. It is used to help indigenous, marginalised, and other groups of people to support change based on their own needs. It provides many actors in society a powerful blend of practice and technology. Nonetheless, with its practice comes the need for responsible planning and use. This video is an introduction to a Training Kit published by CTA and IFAD to support the spread of good practice in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information.
Producer: CTA, The Netherlands
Director: Jess Phillimore, UK
Source language: English; Subtitles: none
Genre: Educational
Duration: 15:00
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported
Recommended for use in Module(s): M01, M06
File Format: mp4
Note: This video production is available on Disk No. 2