Title: Map Production
Summary: Understand map production for spatial data. Map production is the process of arranging map elements on a sheet of paper so that, even without many words, a lay person can understand what it is all about. Maps are very often produced for presentations and reports where the audience or reader is a politician, citizen or learner with no professional background in GIS. Because of this, a map has to be most effective in communicating spatial information. This video explores the common elements of a map and how they can be combined to create a pleasing product.
Producer: Chief Directorate: Spatial Planning & Information, Department of Land Affairs, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Director: Tim Sutton
Source language: English; Subtitles: none
Genre: Tutorial
Duration: 11:13
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported
Recommended for use in Module(s): M12
File Format: mov
Note: This video production is available on Disk No. 2